I want to take a minute and put the spotlight on this piece-of-shit podcast. Alex Jones has got to be the craziest, stupidest, most vocal conspiracy theorist on Earth. He spews out more bullshit than a cow's ass and has no evidence to back up any of his inane claims. I highly doubt there's a New World Order. If the NWO was as powerful and conniving as he says it is, then I don't think silencing some nutcases like him would be very hard.
I don't trust our own government, but I'm talking about the New World Order that Alex Jones keeps spewing about, not the American government feeding the people a bunch of bullshit to justify its invasions. Anyone with half a brain can see through that one.
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Well there are a lot of documents and evidence that these leaders meet and do discuss things like a global currency, global government, etc. It's not like everyone is a card carrying member of the "New World Order" like Hulk Hogan in WWE but it does appear that they do in fact have a global agenda. The term New World Order just describes them
Anyone can see that
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Right, because it's not like McNamara admitted that the Gulf of Tonkin never happened....oh wait....
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Wouldn't be surprised- they came out a few weeks ago and talked about how they infected thousands of people with STDs
Conspiracy theorists all use the same vague references to support their bullshit lies. These are the same people who try to use circumstantial evidence to claim that the Holocaust was a fraud or that the Jews rule the world.
If conspiracy theories had any historical bearing, why is it that the majority of historians don't believe in them and that the only people preaching about conspiracies are all a bunch of weirdos with too much time and access to the Internet?
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Just relax about it. Same guys who use the label "conspiracy theory" are just guys who read and watch too much newspapers and television without ever suspecting that those outlets could have the motive of misleading and lying to them.
You can't fix stupid, bro.
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Terrible post
If the earth was round, how come so many idiots thought it was flat?
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How does drawing a parallel between the theories of the past and the truths we now know validate your claims? That only goes to suggest that no one really knows anything for sure.
But I'm pretty sure that if there was a super conspiracy going on, then sites like wikileaks.com would suddenly "disappear." For a group of super powerful group of men intent on world domination, silencing a couple nutcases on the Internet should be cake, right?
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Regarding wikileaks, nobody needs to do anything about it.
The sole reason for veils of secrecy has never been about keeping secrets, rather it is about keeping inconvenient truths out of the public eye, and away from public awareness.
If the voting public are in fact powerless then it does not matter what they know, they cannot do anything about it.
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I agree dude. It is a piece of cake for them to silence wikileaks and anything else they want to, but think about the life they lead. The elite get to spend their time doing whatever they want all day. Nothing is too expensive for them, and no experience is out of their reach.
If you were them, would you spend your time worrying about wikileaks and other people exposing you, or would you have fun all day?
They dont seem to be into women or anything of that nature. Most of their wives are butt ugly and a lot of them are caught banging little children or gay guys. Something that we don't know is going on within these little "power circles"...which is why I listen to a guy like David Icke...but need to find out on my own what is really going on.
There is no doubt in my mind that the Royal Family is into some bizarre stuff. Did you know that every shit they take they have someone wipe their ass (tool of the stool) and store it in boxes? They've been doing it for hundreds of years.
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They don't need to assassin anyone anymore. They are completely out in the open. They used to do that shit with all the Manchurian candidates back in the 60s with all those assassinations.
I love how these fucken cocksucker military assholes claim that terrorists are going through the documents and using it against the United States army. What a load of fucken shit! It would be funny if it weren't so sad...they're just mad that their little crime syndicate got exposed for killing all these civilians and they try to hide behind "national security". Bullshit, you're exposed. Telling the truth isn't illegal, you pieces of shit...killing innocent civilians is...